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Primary School Library Expansion

We are excited to announce the expansion of our Primary College Library!
We have been very busy since we transformed and opened another room for senior primary students.
The expansion also provides a friendly and comfortable place for them to go during their unstructured time, like lunch breaks.
Our libraries are dedicated spaces for students to learn, grow and thrive. We provide a well-resourced range of literature catering to every level and interest. The library collections and resources promote an interest in reading, literature, self-development and foster skills for life-long learning. We offer a fun and welcoming environment for students to enjoy.
Our library staff integrate the love of learning and knowledge to help students develop their own interests to enhance their classroom learning.
“Battle of Readers” has already started for Term 1. Students and teachers are
excited to be involved in this event.
The Collection
A wide range of resources are available for everyone in our library. Our substantial
collection ranges from picture books, magazines to fiction and non-fiction resources.
Borrowing Rules
- Books can be borrowed for one week and can be extended twice.
Number of Items:
Prep to Grade 2 can borrow one book a week. The teacher will collect them and store them
somewhere in the classroom or in their desk compartment for their quiet reading.
Grade 3 to Year 6 can borrow two books a week.
The college asks families for the replacement costs of damaged and\or lost books.
Please notify library staff if there are any problems.
Overdue Books
Any student with an overdue book will be unable to borrow until their book is
returned or until parents/caregivers contact the school.
John 3:16 TPT
For here is the way God loved the world—he gave his only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in him will never perish but experience everlasting life.